Accessibility and Behavior

At Brass Ring, we are open to everyone. We want all kinds of people to have a welcoming space to come and create, learn, and be themselves. To that end, we want to put in place some guidelines to let people know what to expect.

Accessibility and Behavior

Parking- Most of the parking is about a block away, and there’s no real markings for handicapped spaces. If you have a handicapped placard, please contact event management at 860-834-1923, and we will move one of the closer cars for you.  If you are being dropped off, you can do that right at the front door.

Getting around the event- There is a ramp up to the front door, and the inside has a large elevator, so wheelchairs and other mobility device users should have no problems. There is plenty of seating upstairs.

Food- Our food vendors will have foods for a variety of dietary restrictions, and to address allergy concerns, will have an ingredient list for everything sold. However, since their goal is to feed the most people the most efficiently, they may not be able to accommodate every diet. You are welcome to bring in your own food or drink and eat it in the ballroom.

Sensory Issues- The Greek Museum upstairs is a low-sensory area with dampened noise and blank white marble walls, so it’s a good retreat space if the day event becomes overwhelming.

Service Animals– Service animals are, of course, welcome. Service animals in training are also welcome, but if the animal is not trained enough and becomes disruptive, we may ask you to take it off-site. No other animals are allowed.

Babies- There is a diaper changing table in the ladies room upstairs. For dads, there’s a flat sofa right outside it. That area is a good one for babies that need to be walked in a quiet space, as it has a long ramp next to it.

Clothing- This is an all-ages event during the day. Please keep your clothing PG. The evening is 18+, but with the exception of the burlesque troupe, we still want it PG-13.

Weapons- No real or real-looking guns may be visible at any time. Blades must be securely scabbarded.


Safe space means that our attendees are free to peacefully express themselves and their interests. Brass Ring is an inclusive space for all people, regardless of gender, gender presentation, pronoun choice, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, skin color, religion, age, or affiliation. Be kind to everyone, and everyone will have a great time!

Safe space means that harassment will not be tolerated. Per Merriam-Webster, harassment is any activity or behavior that annoys persistently, bothers, creates an unpleasant or hostile situation or threatens another person or group of people. For example: unwanted or uninvited physical contact, unwelcome verbal conduct, following someone around (also known as stalking), or making threats against their person.

Here are some guidelines you can follow:

  • Before you touch (for example: hug, or touch clothing), ask permission. “May I give you a hug?” “May I touch that fabric?”
  • Ask before you take anyone’s picture.
  • Accept no as a final answer, without follow-up questions.
    • Their reasons are not your business unless they choose to share them with you.
  • If you find someone’s outfit interesting, it’s great to tell them so, but do not expect further interaction after giving your compliment.
    • Appropriate compliments include “Nice craftsmanship”, or “You captured the character really well”
    • Inappropriate comments can include (depending on context) “You look sexy”, “Here’s my number”, “My cosplay is better than yours”. If you are unsure, ask a friend to help you phrase your compliment.
    • If you don’t think someone’s costume fits the Steampunk theme, keep it to yourself.
  • Absolutely inappropriate behavior includes groping, looking up skirts/kilts, positioning yourself to look down shirts/dresses, coercing someone to do or say anything, or any words or behavior that purposely offend or insult.

If you or another person are being harassed, we have staff on both floors. Please tell us immediately! Upstairs, you may speak to Martin, the Turkish Coffee merchant at the bar at the back of the ballroom, and downstairs, the front desk person, or any floaters wearing the staff badge. Brass Ring reserves the right to ask anyone to leave for disorderly conduct, a violation of the law or rules, or at the sole discretion of a Brass Ring official.

This policy was written with the help of our friends at Myths and Legends Con.